Friday, March 28, 2008

A lot of people went to mass this Sunday...

at a church that condones child molestation. Of course, those people don't ask others to walk out of their church. But God forbid a black man get "uppity", even if his anger, while righteous, is misdirected and confused.

Not to mention that the church is run by an ex-Nazi.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hillary's own reverend problem

The wonderful Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Nickel and Dimed, explains why Hillary has been oddly silent about Reverend Wright.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Opening up the old scabs

It seems that this Reverend Wright brou-ha-ha has brought out a lot of the anger and racial tensions that underlie America like the blood just below the surface of our skin. As I listen to the Reverend's sermons, I find myself sympathizing if not agreeing. I hear white people getting their panties in a bind over this, shocked-SHOCKED!- that a black man could be so angry in today's America. After all hasn't white America eliminated racism? These uppity negroes have a lot of gall daring to criticize a country that has done so much for them!

The idea that America has done so much for blacks is laughable on the face of it. And yet we have progressed as a nation; this is undeniable. And we are closer, though importantly we are not there, to being a nation where its minorities play an equal role in shaping its path, and are able to share more in the fruits of its labor. The thing about Reverend Wright is that much of his anger is righteous, but yet is also misdirected and destructive. You can appreciate his long experience with the injustices of this country and reasons for his anger while at the same time condemn the words and the wilder eyed manifestations of it.

It is important to remember we are deciding whether to vote for Obama, not his preacher. And the uproar over this speaks volumes about America. McCain has a minister with a HUGE following, who has condemned Catholicism as "the great whore", come out and endorse him (with the two sharing the same stage), and barely a peep. Another of McCain's minister supporters has said that America was created with the intent of destroying Islam; again crickets. But now, sweet Jesus, a friend of Obama's has criticized America, so Obama must be anti-American, never mind Obama has come out and repudiated him. How absurd indeed, and infantile. Bill Hicks once said that this country was on about an eighth grade level. Now I think that is too generous, more like Fourth Grade.

Andrew Sullivan today had a fantastic post on his blog about the internal conflicts of identity and how they relate to Obama; I highly recommend reading it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A tough road in Pennsylvania

I am volunteering for Obama here in Pennsylvania. Alas, it doesn't look good for him here. He should win in Philadelphia and surrounding areas. The rest of the state doesn't look good however. And even in Philadelphia, he's going against Nutter and Rendell, which won't kill him but will probably keep his support lower than it could and should be in this area.

This explains it well.

Busted on GMA, Hillary Clinton on Walmart

This is a candidate who is supposedly supporting blue collar workers and women's rights? Who is running to lead the nation and yet claims didn't know what was going on under her nose while on the Wal-Mart Board? If this is the "experience" she is running on, I don't want to "experience" it.

Torture as "art"

This guy should be condemned by any kind of reasonable and moral being. Torturing an animal for art's sake? The type of thing that makes you hope there is a hell.

Camille Paglia on the election

I've heard her called an "anti-feminist feminist". She takes on the feminist knee jerk whining about Hillary...

Complicated Life

New Orleans before the storm. I do know what it means to miss New Orleans. Very clever video, by Ray Davies of The Kinks, no less.

Gizmo Boxing Cat

Couldn't resist posting this

Never say never...

Maybe the theme song of Democrats? The Clinton people and the Obama people might like each other better if...?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

From Dick Polman's blog, American Debate:

"Geraldine Ferraro, the '84 Democratic veep candidate and '08 Hillary surrogate, quoted in a California newspaper last Friday: "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position."

Baseball pitcher Bob Feller, speaking in 1946 about Jackie Robinson: "If he were a white man, I doubt they would even consider him as big league material."

And now Ferraro says that the only reason people are making a big deal out of this is because she's white. And Hillary won't ask her to resign, because this keeps the race in the mud, where Hillary feels most comfortable.

So America, if you want to keep America in the mud, vote Hillary.

This is experience?

Sinbad vs. The Monster

Hillary knows Karl...

James Moore, author of Bush's Brain, thinks Hillary has Karl Rove's tactics down pat.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Best Quote of the Campaign Season

Saying that Hillary has Executive Branch experience is like saying Yoko Ono was a Beatle," - Kos commenter, Jsn.

Friday, March 7, 2008

How do you spell hypocrisy?

Seems the Clintons are quite the crusaders when it comes to other people's tax returns.

I spell hypocrisy C-L-I-N-T-O-N

The Clintons and Rezko

Seems the Clintons aren't as clean as they would have you believe

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Never say never

For some reason I can't get the You Tube video to upload to the website, so you'll just have to go to the link. Probably what Hillary and Obama say to each other in private. They need some tension release...

A shot from the grave...

The late, great Molly Ivins still has something to say about this election, though she is sadly not with us anymore..

All eyes are on Pennsylvania

Dick Polman discusses the upcoming primary. Bottom line is that Obama has to get better at his message. I think he's got no choice but to go negative. And there is a LOT of dirt to be got on the Clintons.

It's going to get really ugly, much to the delight of McCain. If the Democrats lose an election they should so easily win, I will never forgive the Clintons.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why I hate Ohio...

Seriously. They were a major reason for Bush in 2000, were probably the reason in 2004, and now the majority votes for Hillary in Tuesdays' primary. When their perhaps number one issue going to the polls is NAFTA and the resultant loss of jobs, they vote for the candidate whose husband did the most to give it to us. And fail to vote for the candidate who has pledged to do more to change it than she has.

Add to that all the shenanigans with voting and the voting machines (Diebold is based there, no less), and idiots like Ken Blackwell, and you have a state that I am really starting to dislike more and more.

How to lose an election (again!)

Well, it seems the Democrats are trying their damnedest to lose an election that was practically gift wrapped for them to win. Hillary has decided that she would rather take the party down and their chances of winning in November rather than admit defeat. Mathematically she almost cannot win; she has to win with Super Delegates (remember the Wile E. Coyote Super Genius skit? When I say "Super Delegate", I want to say it the same way). To do so is to in effect spit at the large number of young voters and African-American voters who have become highly motivated and are turning out in great numbers for Obama. They will reject such a move, and likely will stay home in November as a result. This would guarantee a McCain victory. She is the one thing that will motivate the right wing to come out in droves as well. Right now they don't get as worked up about Obama. But mention Hillary, and your average, low IQ Rush listening Frightwinger starts foaming at the mouth. If she is the nominee, she will lose in November, count on it. She can't even beat a relative novice like Obama for her own party's nomination and yet she is the one who can beat McCain come November? What kind of tortured logic is that? And what is this experience she touts so much? When she has been "tested", she has failed, as evidenced by her votes on Iraq and Iran.

P.S. Oh and one more thing about Hillary. She claims her victory in Ohio is proof that she can carry the Red States the Democrats need to win in November. Last I checked, Obama had won nearly all the red states' primaries so far.

Hello, it's me...

To any and all who might have visited in the past month, my apologies for not posting in a while. Combination of a lot of things, mainly time and in a bit of a funk. I won't go into them here, but let's just say getting ready for fatherhood has been time consuming and leave it at that...