Monday, March 23, 2009

Wall Street is decadent and depraved

The awesome Matt Taibbi breaks it all down for us. Our country has become a plutocracy right under our noses, and if you aren't a Wall Street money man (or woman) you are the modern version of a slave in Mississippi circa 1850. The system is truly broken, and sadly Obama is not going to be the man to fix it-at least not now. Maybe he might wake up at some point and smell the coffee burning, and realize that Geithner, Summers, and the rest of the bozos that he has brought in to manage this mess are simply the same men with different names who got us into this mess in the first place. But I doubt it. Not that McCain would have done better. In fact he would have been worse, because he and his crew would have insisted less regulation is the way to go and would have put into power the odorous Phil Gramm, even worse than Geithner or Summers. But this just underscores my point: Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter. The rich literally own and run this country now, and the rest of us are not only along for the ride, but we have to pay to fix the damn roller coaster when it breaks down, not the ones who invented it in the first place.

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