Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Where is Richard Dawson when you need him?

The feud that is the Democratic Party just became more pronounced. It seems to me that Ted Kennedy looked at how divided the party had become thanks to the Clinton campaign strategy and a national media all too eager for a mano a mano storyline, and decided to back probably the only candidate who unite more than he can divide. With the exception of the Clinton camp of course. The interesting thing to watch will be once a candidate is decided, will the losing camp support them? I don't see Obama's supporters flocking to Hillary's and vice-versa, and the result I think could be another Republican president. This in a year when the only way the Democratic Party couldn't win would be to shoot itself in the proverbial foot. Of course, much depends on the Republican nominee. McCain has broad appeal. Romney though I think would be loser, simply because he represents a continuation of our current blaise political experience.

I haven't listed the rest of the Republican nominees because I think it is coming to be more of a 2 person race in each Party. Huckabee is still a factor, Edwards less so.

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