Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Liberal Media Bias: The myth revealed
There have been plenty of studies in the past that demonstrate how false the idea of "Liberal media bias" really is. Here is a new one.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Right wing doublethink
Good column about the fright wing's attempts to discredit the New Deal. Down the memory hole it goes. A perfect example of Orwell's slogan "He who controls the past, controls the present".
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Stay classy, rightwingers...
In case you haven't heard, the Murdoch owned New York Post published a cartoon comparing the raging chimpanzee to Obama. Along with things like "Barack, the Magic Negro", the Republicans are determined to take us back to antebellum days, it would seem.
Tax cheats
Looks like the Democrats aren't the only ones skipping on their taxes. Joe the Plumber was reported on previously, but now Sarah "Hockey Mom" Palin also owes.
Addendum: I forgot the link, silly me.
Addendum: I forgot the link, silly me.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Wall Street Taliban
Dennis Blair, the new Director of Intelligence, says we have more to fear from Wall Street than Islamic terrorists. I don't always go for doomsday scenarios, but there is no doubt that periods of economic distress in history have resulted in great upheavals. Look at the Great Depression and the rise in both fascism and communism. If the forecasts are as dark as many predict, we might be in for a stormy ride these next few years. Time to batten down the hatches and barricade the home fortress from the barbarians at the gate. Who as it turns out live on our own Wall Street.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Republican Jihad
Good piece by Andrew Sullivan about the Republican tactics. Can you imagine if the Democrats said "We're going to use the tactics of the Taliban" in fighting Bush? It would be 24/7 Republican talking heads on the media until an apology was issued. When a Republican issues it, barely a peep from the mainstream media. The Republican Party doesn't care a whit about this country's troubles, they only care that Obama doesn't succeed.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Obstructionists, Part Deux
As another example of obstructionism, I give you the Minnesota Senate fight. You can be damn sure if this was the reverse that Republicans would be screaming like stuck pigs and scaring the news media into covering 24/7 how the Democrats are thwarting the will of the people, etc. Just like we heard in Florida 2000. Somehow it's different when a Democratic candidate comes out on top.
To hear some Republicans this past week, they scored a tactical defeat over Obama with their opposition to the stimulus bill; supposedly they got their message across and mucked up the shine on the new president. Guffaw. Obama's ratings with the public are sky high. Even the Democrats in Congress are out polling Republicans, 48% to 31%. If the Republicans think playing obstructionists is going to get them out of the political wilderness they are delusional. The majority of the public supports the stimulus bill (with the exception of one Rasmussen poll, which the Republicans insist on hanging their hats on) and the Republicans look like the party of sour grapes. There is certainly a place for a "loyal opposition" party but at this point the Republicans don't look like that party concerned with the suffering of the American people and trying to craft a compromise bill that addresses their concerns. Instead they look like petty spoiled brats, not unlike the girl at the prom who out of jealousy spills a drink on the homecoming queen. Keep this up and they will be even more marginalized.
Look, I'm a left leaning individual. The Democrats, while not perfect, hew closer to the image I have of how things should be. But I truly believe this country works best when there are 2 strong parties reflecting the 2 traditional viewpoints of conservatism and liberalism. When these 2 strong traditions debate, good ideas are often brought to the table. But the Republicans of today have no good ideas. They simply follow in lockstep behind the rants of talk radio and are content to try and tear Obama down, country be damned. They offer no ideas. They offer no solutions. And we as a country pay for it.
Look, I'm a left leaning individual. The Democrats, while not perfect, hew closer to the image I have of how things should be. But I truly believe this country works best when there are 2 strong parties reflecting the 2 traditional viewpoints of conservatism and liberalism. When these 2 strong traditions debate, good ideas are often brought to the table. But the Republicans of today have no good ideas. They simply follow in lockstep behind the rants of talk radio and are content to try and tear Obama down, country be damned. They offer no ideas. They offer no solutions. And we as a country pay for it.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Birthday
Yesterday was the 200th birthday of not one but two people in history I admire a great deal. One got more of the press, that being Abraham Lincoln, the man who saved the Union and emancipated the slaves, ending our long national disgrace of forced servitude (though the scars of slavery are with us to this day). The other was Charles Darwin, who forever changed our understanding of the world around us. Happy Birthday to both of you, and hopefully a future Darwin or Lincoln was born somewhere in the world yesterday.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Howard Hughes is alive and well
Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman last night. I'm not sure whether to laugh, feel bad for him, or fear for his own safety.
Misery as a commodity
While I don't agree with the author 100%, I do feel there is much food for thought in this article. Specifically how we view mental disease as an individual disorder instead of perhaps a reaction to all that is dysfunctional in our society. In other words when a person is depressed, lonely, anxious, etc. the problem is not what in society provokes this-our society apparently is perfect-but with the person himself. This is the type of thing that Orwell railed against in 1984. Add to this the entire industry that has cropped up around mental health, and the need to keep a person in that industry in order to keep it going. The number of "mentally ill" people in our society far surpasses most third world countries, despite the billions we spend on mental health. I have been to therapists before, and I think they can be useful in the short term. But they all, without exception, seemed to have no interest in letting me go once I was in their system, no matter my progress. Once you check in, you don't check out.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Alabama, meet Iran
Alabama and Iran have about the same degree of religious belief. And there is almost a direct inverse relationship between religious belief and standard of living.
Getting high is natural
As the late, great Bill Hicks once said: "Did it ever strike you that making it illegal to take substances that grow in nature as being a bit, um, unnatural?" I think the War on Drugs is one of the biggest wastes of resources and more importantly human lives in history. No matter the culture or the time in history, human beings have gotten high and for various reasons; the War on Drugs is ultimately a war on our own nature. And here are examples of other species besides our own getting high.
Damn Socialists
The Canadians-so ridiculed by free market purists and loathed by Republicans for their national health care system-has the healthiest banking system in the world right now, while ours is near the bottom. Radical "free market" (I say that, like free lunches, there is no such thing as a free market) changes to our economic system-such as more tax cuts-are not the answer.
History 101
The Republicans are fond of saying Democrats have no grasp of history. After seeing this guy, maybe they should rethink that idea.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Not all Republicans follow the Borg directives
Arlen Specter today got testy on air with Laura Ingraham. There are some Republicans worth my respect after all.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Cult of Reagantology
On Attytood today, Will Bunch has a post about the pressure High Priest Grover Norquist and the Reagan Legacy Project are putting on states to recognize "Reagan Legacy Day". Makes me damn proud to live in a state that hasn't recognized it, and I despise these cultists trying to force Reagan down our throats. I came of age in the eighties and I can tell you, Reagan was a terrible president and a majority of Americans weren't too keen on him when he left office either. These history revisionists who one suspects previously worked at the Church of Scientology are nothing but brainwashed Kool-Aid drinkers.
P.S. I highly recommend Will Bunch's latest book on Reagan, called Tear down this Myth.
P.S. I highly recommend Will Bunch's latest book on Reagan, called Tear down this Myth.
There's gonna be a reckoning...
Frank Rich's column today captures the rage that is coursing through everyday America. Politicians ignore this at their peril; though it seems Washington is living in its usual bubble, free from the realities confronting the rest of America. Both parties I think underestimate the genuine anger and fear that is washing over this country, though I think the Democrats are closer to understanding than the Republicans. I mean seriously, more tax cuts-the kind that helped get us in this pickle in the first place-is the only thing you have to offer? Most Americans don't have capital gains taxes to cut, and any potential benefit-highly doubtful in my opinion-won't be noticed for some time. Everyday people are hurting now and want help now. Obama gets this. The Republicans, led by Rush Limbaugh, don't.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I'm sure everyone now has heard both Rush Limbaugh's comments wishing President Obama will fail and Dick Cheney's comments stirring up the fear card and undermining President Obama's presidency. If these things were done by a Democratic politician or anyone on the left you can be sure of two things. 1) The right wing would be literally calling for the death penalty and accusations of treason would fly everywhere. 2) Our national media, following the din of the right wing media echo chamber, would be making these 24/7 issues for several weeks until the politician resigned or a public mea culpa was issued.
I don't want to hear another word from the right about how the media and Democratic Party fought to undermine the Bush presidency. Here we have, just over two weeks into his presidency, abject proof of undermining the Obama presidency, and far worse than anything from the left beyond the extremes.
The right is now a bankrupt movement, whose ideology has been shown to be a miserable failure and is left with ad hominem attacks on the opposition as its only raison d'etre. Its economic policies are what drove us into the current crisis and all they have left is trying to sink the President-and the United States with him. I am tired of trying to be diplomatic with them, of trying to not be insulting, of giving them some benefit of the doubt. But fuck them. The stakes are now so high that there is no room for President Obama to fail. His failure means the United States is finished: economically, as a world power, as a world leader. We can shuffle off to stage right and allow Russia, China, and India to have the spotlight now.
I don't want to hear another word from the right about how the media and Democratic Party fought to undermine the Bush presidency. Here we have, just over two weeks into his presidency, abject proof of undermining the Obama presidency, and far worse than anything from the left beyond the extremes.
The right is now a bankrupt movement, whose ideology has been shown to be a miserable failure and is left with ad hominem attacks on the opposition as its only raison d'etre. Its economic policies are what drove us into the current crisis and all they have left is trying to sink the President-and the United States with him. I am tired of trying to be diplomatic with them, of trying to not be insulting, of giving them some benefit of the doubt. But fuck them. The stakes are now so high that there is no room for President Obama to fail. His failure means the United States is finished: economically, as a world power, as a world leader. We can shuffle off to stage right and allow Russia, China, and India to have the spotlight now.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I'm back
After a horrendously tragic year for me, I am going to try and resurrect this blog. Those who know me personally understand what I have been through and the emotional scars I have been left with. There can be no doubt that I look at the world through different eyes, the eyes of one who has been transformed-not by choice. I do not want to discuss what has happened in this post. As time goes by I imagine that I will share more of my experiences of the past year.
There has been a lot to discuss in recent news, with the recent swearing in of our new president. And not a moment too soon: the past 8 years have been exhausting and utterly draining of optimism; they have been ones in which the only correct emotional response should be rage at those who have utterly driven this country into the abyss. I am reminded of an essay Hunter S. Thompson wrote years ago-which I hope to find and post here-about John Wayne and the forces of the extreme right meeting their just desserts in Vietnam. In it he wrote, and I am paraphrasing from memory, that in a just world, the architects of Vietnam deserved to go to hell. Not necessarily for what they did there, but because they did it in the name of a dream. That dream being one of democracy and freedom for humanity, when in fact these words were nothing more than part of a PR campaign to gain public support for the war. Ditto Bush and all the sociopathic greedheads in his administration. They claim to have done everything to keep America safe, But in fact it has all been to take advantage of our fear to construct an America to suit their vision, an America that resembles the capitalist utopia of the late nineteenth century that exists only in the myths they have created in their minds. We are truly fucked, and it will take a long time to walk this one off.
There has been a lot to discuss in recent news, with the recent swearing in of our new president. And not a moment too soon: the past 8 years have been exhausting and utterly draining of optimism; they have been ones in which the only correct emotional response should be rage at those who have utterly driven this country into the abyss. I am reminded of an essay Hunter S. Thompson wrote years ago-which I hope to find and post here-about John Wayne and the forces of the extreme right meeting their just desserts in Vietnam. In it he wrote, and I am paraphrasing from memory, that in a just world, the architects of Vietnam deserved to go to hell. Not necessarily for what they did there, but because they did it in the name of a dream. That dream being one of democracy and freedom for humanity, when in fact these words were nothing more than part of a PR campaign to gain public support for the war. Ditto Bush and all the sociopathic greedheads in his administration. They claim to have done everything to keep America safe, But in fact it has all been to take advantage of our fear to construct an America to suit their vision, an America that resembles the capitalist utopia of the late nineteenth century that exists only in the myths they have created in their minds. We are truly fucked, and it will take a long time to walk this one off.
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