Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm back

After a horrendously tragic year for me, I am going to try and resurrect this blog. Those who know me personally understand what I have been through and the emotional scars I have been left with. There can be no doubt that I look at the world through different eyes, the eyes of one who has been transformed-not by choice. I do not want to discuss what has happened in this post. As time goes by I imagine that I will share more of my experiences of the past year.

There has been a lot to discuss in recent news, with the recent swearing in of our new president. And not a moment too soon: the past 8 years have been exhausting and utterly draining of optimism; they have been ones in which the only correct emotional response should be rage at those who have utterly driven this country into the abyss. I am reminded of an essay Hunter S. Thompson wrote years ago-which I hope to find and post here-about John Wayne and the forces of the extreme right meeting their just desserts in Vietnam. In it he wrote, and I am paraphrasing from memory, that in a just world, the architects of Vietnam deserved to go to hell. Not necessarily for what they did there, but because they did it in the name of a dream. That dream being one of democracy and freedom for humanity, when in fact these words were nothing more than part of a PR campaign to gain public support for the war. Ditto Bush and all the sociopathic greedheads in his administration. They claim to have done everything to keep America safe, But in fact it has all been to take advantage of our fear to construct an America to suit their vision, an America that resembles the capitalist utopia of the late nineteenth century that exists only in the myths they have created in their minds. We are truly fucked, and it will take a long time to walk this one off.

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