Thursday, February 12, 2009

Misery as a commodity

While I don't agree with the author 100%, I do feel there is much food for thought in this article. Specifically how we view mental disease as an individual disorder instead of perhaps a reaction to all that is dysfunctional in our society. In other words when a person is depressed, lonely, anxious, etc. the problem is not what in society provokes this-our society apparently is perfect-but with the person himself. This is the type of thing that Orwell railed against in 1984. Add to this the entire industry that has cropped up around mental health, and the need to keep a person in that industry in order to keep it going. The number of "mentally ill" people in our society far surpasses most third world countries, despite the billions we spend on mental health. I have been to therapists before, and I think they can be useful in the short term. But they all, without exception, seemed to have no interest in letting me go once I was in their system, no matter my progress. Once you check in, you don't check out.

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