Sunday, February 15, 2009


To hear some Republicans this past week, they scored a tactical defeat over Obama with their opposition to the stimulus bill; supposedly they got their message across and mucked up the shine on the new president. Guffaw. Obama's ratings with the public are sky high. Even the Democrats in Congress are out polling Republicans, 48% to 31%. If the Republicans think playing obstructionists is going to get them out of the political wilderness they are delusional. The majority of the public supports the stimulus bill (with the exception of one Rasmussen poll, which the Republicans insist on hanging their hats on) and the Republicans look like the party of sour grapes. There is certainly a place for a "loyal opposition" party but at this point the Republicans don't look like that party concerned with the suffering of the American people and trying to craft a compromise bill that addresses their concerns. Instead they look like petty spoiled brats, not unlike the girl at the prom who out of jealousy spills a drink on the homecoming queen. Keep this up and they will be even more marginalized.

Look, I'm a left leaning individual. The Democrats, while not perfect, hew closer to the image I have of how things should be. But I truly believe this country works best when there are 2 strong parties reflecting the 2 traditional viewpoints of conservatism and liberalism. When these 2 strong traditions debate, good ideas are often brought to the table. But the Republicans of today have no good ideas. They simply follow in lockstep behind the rants of talk radio and are content to try and tear Obama down, country be damned. They offer no ideas. They offer no solutions. And we as a country pay for it.

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